Making fun of the professor
When writing papers for school, I always tried to add humorous elements. Writing about philosophy can be serious, but there's always room for a good joke.
And as we all know, a joke directed at the professor grading the paper is the best kind.
At one point, I had a professor who held one very unorthodox view regarding the validity of one of the most basic logical structures. As in, he considers modus ponens invalid in certain situations. No, really, he did. Very well-known, highly-respected philosopher. Someday perhaps I'll write an entry on his argument. Not right now.
The point is, he thought modus ponens wasn't always valid. So after providing a M.P.-based argument in my paper, I commented,
It seems pretty clear that it is perfectly valid, and so the only way to respond to such arguments is to deny one of the premises. (Or to deny Modus Ponens, but only a crazy radical would do that.)I don't remember my exact grade, but it was an A, as always.
[Insert some point to this post here.]