Intel Museum and stuff
(Potentially relevant link)They had this large LCD representation of a processor. The registers were labeled 1, 2, 3, 4. . . .there was no 0.
When you told it '1+4=' it stored '1' in register 1, '+' in register 2, '4' in register 3, and '=' in register 4.
It's similar to the above link for this post. Great fun.
Pressing the 2 key alerts the microprocessor and signals the Prefetch Unit to ask the computer's main memory for a specific instruction on the new data since there is nothing about it in the Instruction Cache.Ther user presses the the '2' key so the computer looks up the number 2 in memory?
And check out the technical glossary at the end:
DOSGibibyte != gigabyte.
An acronym for disk operating system. The term DOS can refer to any operating system, but it is most often used as a shorthand for MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system). Originally developed by Microsoft for IBM, MS–DOS was the standard operating system for IBM-compatible personal computers. It can apply to any /disk/ operating system. MS-DOS was not developed by Microsoft, for the most part.gigabyte
1024 megabytes. Literally meaning one billion bytes. Abbreviated GB, Gbyte or G-byte.
Internet IP addressInternet Internet Protocol addresses, also called Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol Protoccol. The domain server translates from IP to domain.
A unique number identifying each host machine on the Internet network. Also called the IP address or TCP/IP address. A numeric address such as that the domain name server translates into a domain name
navigateI have a friend who used to (~seventh grade) think that 'ambiguous' was computer term (from DOS), not a real word. I guess Intel has people thinking the same of 'navigate.
To find one's way around on the World Wide Web by following hypertext links from document to document, and from computer to computer.